Soften metal titan quest atlantis
Soften metal titan quest atlantis

soften metal titan quest atlantis

Firstly he tricked the gods out of the best portion of the sacrificial feast, acquiring the meat for the feasting of man. His attempts to better the lives of his creation brought him into conflict with Zeus. PROMETHEUS was the Titan god of forethought and crafty counsel who was given the task of moulding mankind out of clay.

soften metal titan quest atlantis

#Soften metal titan quest atlantis Pc#

I’m with you on just porting this game as a PC release, uncensored, and allowing people to find it on their own and purchase it for themselves.Forethought ( pro-, mêtis) Prometheus bound, Laconian black-figure amphoriskos C6th B.C., Vatican City Museums Now there are arguments for allowing teens and young adults to explore sexuality in their own ways, without coercion or adult intervention (barring preventing dangerous scenarios, like reenacting rape-bondage – obviously what the efforts to censor this game were meant to mitigate), but those debates aren’t best had within the context of the games industry.

soften metal titan quest atlantis

When you examine the breadth of human experience – as games do – you’re going to eventually come across sexuality and sexual content, but releasing this kind of game on a console that’s marketed to all ages is akin to releasing a hentai game on the Gameboy Advance. That said, I believe it being released on a platform that is marketed towards teens, young adults, and adults alike is a bit of a misstep. I believe all games have some merit to them, even if they’re risque or outright pornographic. Should they have bothered? Risked the “Adults Only” rating? Should they have just ported yet another version of “Disgaea 1” instead? What do you think? You knew what this was going to entail before you decided to port it. I don’t judge peoples’ tastes, but damnit, America. I don’t understand the need to make this game, but if you’re going to create a creepy, obscure game and release it in America, leave it as is, or don’t do it at all. It’s a pretty fucking perverted game, but you don’t have to buy it, it doesn’t have commercials on TV, or on YouTube that I’ve seen. Touching young girls who are criminals and “fulfil the girls’ special requests”. There were other choices than pushing this to the Vita with a bunch of edits. The Vita’s basically a dying handheld in America, so I don’t think it’s going to make the money you think it might. You could import it yourself! It’s not the first time a game came out on a Sony console that people imported because they couldn’t have it in America! There’s no region lock there! The point is, even if I don’t agree with the game, I’m not going to try and tell people not to get it/that it should be censored.

soften metal titan quest atlantis

But there were choices, Nippon Ichi! Choices! You could have ported a game that didn’t feel like bondage porn/something darker! Port it to the PC where the restrictions aren’t as horrific! Still a chance it could get the dreaded “AO” stamp on PC, but they could have thought this through a bit more. Even if it were a digital only release, it would have to get an MA/Adults Only rating which would mean sales would tank. The ratings system for consoles is pretty damn tough. If these girls are tied up and being punished and you’re just having your way, I can definitely see the need to possibly soften this game up a bit, so it can even be released in American on a console. That’s probably why it was changed from “Punishment” to “Motivation”. Since the game has no subtitles, I guess it’s just easier to not have this at all.

  • No “Motivation” scene dialogue: This one I understand a little less.
  • It’s even creepier sounding in Japanese though.
  • No native dialogue: This is probably for the best.
  • Terminology changes: It’s no longer “Punishment”.
  • No more rope bondage porn! The art was softened up. There were a few things censored in “Criminal Girls”, such as: Some of the girls look waaay too young to be in this game. Released by NISA, this is the first time a “Criminal Girls” game will be released in America! I know a lot of you are thinking “So what?” or if you’ve seen the game you might be thinking “What the fuck is wrong with them!?” and that’s totally fine. Criminal Girls: Invite Only is a game on the slowly dying PlayStation Vita.

    Soften metal titan quest atlantis